Welcome to your final exam! Please download the additional Barre Burn Certification Manual which contains all the additional information needed to successfully pass the test. We suggest reviewing the quiz questions first to gain insight on the required material, then read the manual thoroughly. We have carefully curated this manual for your benefit and we believe it is an absolute powerhouse! Understanding the importance of these units will further develop your knowledge and wisdom to becoming the ultimate BARRE BOSS! The manual you received during our in-person training will also be a handy tool to have around for the quiz. We poured our hearts and souls into this course and truly hope you find it engaging and resourceful. We are here to support you and answer any questions! Good luck barre babes!
You've totally got this!
By downloading the BARRE BURN Manual, you agree to abide by and respect our intellectual property rights.
The Barre Burn Manual is a proprietary resource and all written content, illustrations, photographs, workout routines, instructional methods, and unique terminologies, is the exclusive intellectual property of Barre Burn. Unauthorised reproduction, distribution, or use of any part of this manual without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and originality of our content which allows us to provide high-quality, innovative, and unique resources to our clients and students ensuring a distinctive and effective barre experience.